This snake may look less fearsome than the hooded cobra, but it is arguably more dangerous. It can strike very quickly and can also chase its victims at an incredible speed. It chooses to do this quite often without any provocation whatsoever.
Autor: testigoweb
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These creatures will continue charging even if they are shot in the heart, and have no reservations about charging vehicles. They’ve also been known to attack predators like lions.
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Cape buffalo have been known to charge victims without provocation, rather like the black mamba. While they are obviously not venomous, they do have an asset the mamba does not—2,000 pounds of weight and the ability to charge at 40 miles an hour.
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Another ocean dweller to be wary of is the cone snail. It may not look like much, and you may easily mistake it for any other snail on the beach, but it is extremely deadly.